Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Chicken Pot Pie

I've used this recipe for the filling before and topped it with store bought crust (as the recipe recommends). This time, I got a bit full of myself and decided to try the "real" thing. So off to I went. For my very first try and home-made pie crust, I would say this was not a complete failure.

Recipe for "easy" pie crust from

I knew pretty much right away that this particular attempt was not going to be a glowing success. I had huge lumps of butter, instead of the "tiny flecks" Smitten Kitchen raves about. This, of course, led to shiny butter puddles on top of my baked crust. This is not always a bad thing, but it did make the crust a bit chewy, kind of the consistency of naan. Again, not necessarily a bad thing. The filling, as always, was delicious. It is delicately laced with fresh thyme, and how can that be bad?

The biggest problem is that now I have a huge pan of it, with dinner plans for the next two nights. Leftovers anyone?

Pretty, it wasn't.

1 comment:

  1. If you don't post the recipe you have to at least say where you got it!
