Good riddance 2011, welome and please be kind to us 2012.
Last week Millie participated in a language camp. She took Spanish, but every day they had different snacks from other cultures, like quesadillas or Chinese noodles. Her favorite, however, were the crepes. She explained in detail how she filled them with chocolate chips and let them melt. So in honor of the new year, and because we so rarely hear Millie excited about food, I made crepes for our fancy Sunday breakfast. They are easy and fun, especially when loaded up with chocolate chips, tiny marshmallows and whipped cream. The recipe I used is from Skinny Taste. It is supposed to be low in points, but she must be making teeny tiny crepes because my batch barely made six crepes compared to her promised 12. Either way, they were yummy.
I also put out blackberry jam, Nutella, and some multicolored chips. Feliz año nuevo!